Maker Faire Live!

I was supposed to be at Bay Area Maker Faire this year, unfortunately due to a administrative error we just don't have the budget (profound sad face). Luckily for me the fine folks at Difi-Key Electronics, there's a live stream. Tune in all day to virtually attend!

Sunday Schedule
10:00 am: Welcome: Space & Science
11:00 am: Javascript on ESP8266
11:15 am: PixelNut Smart Lighting
11:30 am: Voyager Golden Record
12:00 pm: Adam Savage
1:00 pm: Bob Clagett
2:00 pm: Cyclecide!
2:30 pm: The Future of Games
3:00 pm: Laura Kampf & Evan & Katelyn
4:00 pm: Autonomous Racing
4:30 pm: Blacksmithing
5:00 pm: Prosthesis
5:30 pm: Goodbye!

Saturday Schedule
10:00 am: Welcome! Art Cars & Sculpures
11:00 am: Prosthesis
11:30 am: mBots for Makers
11:45 am: Build a Hackintosh
12:00 pm: DigiKey Electronics
12:30 pm: The State of Arduino
1:00 pm: Made with KiCad
1:30 pm: Nintendo Labo
2:00 pm: Stop Motion Rigging w/ LAIKA
2:30 pm: Tech-Nic-Allie Live
3:00 pm: Digital Fabrication
4:00 pm: Power Racing Series
4:30 pm: Winston Moy & Joel Telling & Clare Mason
5:30 pm: IBM Quantum Computing
6:00 pm: Coke Zero & Mentos